Byline bonanza
Our class has had several bylines in the last few weeks…
On the News Service, check out Bianca Seidman-Shvarts’ coverage of the College Music Journalism (CMJ) music marathon here and here. And don’t miss multimedia profiles by Jennifer Hamblett on an art-world chronicler and Yudith Ho on a restorer of antique brass cash registers.
Last but not least, Annais Morales got bylines in the New York Post here and here. Why am I not surprised to see the NYPD mentioned in the first article? I’m imagining her running toward synagogues in search of bombs.
Kudos to all!
Bonus bylines: Now that college basketball season is upon us, you can critique the teacher’s work here, here and here. Or you can just crack on the picture below. I swear I was not falling asleep! (I’m sure ace photographer Ray Floriani is humored by catching me mid-blink.)
November 17th, 2010 at 12:47 pm
HAHAHA! For the record, I’ve asked my family to please get me a police scanner for Christmas and my birthday (Jan 3rd). Or an actual police officer. Either one works.
Always great to see first semester students, some of whom probably never wrote an article before coming to J-School, get great clips. I smell imminent SUCCESS!
November 17th, 2010 at 12:54 pm
My birthday’s tomorrow and all I’m getting is a day at work. 😉
But seriously, I smell success too!
November 19th, 2010 at 12:17 pm
Oh no! Well happy belated birthday, and I hope you found some time to celebrate 🙂