Research-inspired enterprise option
If you choose this option for your enterprise assignment, it should be a three-step process.
- Find a newsworthy statistic that interests you.
- Compare it to something. (e.g. other geographic areas, the same statistic in previous years, etc.)
- Use reporting, and possibly more research, to determine and explain why your number compares as it does. This will certainly involve identifying and interviewing experts on the subject. In addition to getting them to explain “why,” you’ll probably want them to make suggestions for how to improve the number and/or predictions for the future.
Your research grade will be based on how well you handle items 2 and 3. (Note: identifying and using experts will be part of your research grade no matter what enterprise option you choose.)
Common pitfalls to avoid (the first of which is more specific to this particular enterprise option; the others apply to any story):
- Back-end research: Don’t conjure up a story idea and then try to figure out how to fit (statistical) research into it. That’s backwards. The research is supposed to inspire the story. In fact, don’t even bother making a pitch unless you already have the data that inspired your story idea. Once you start writing, if you find yourself several paragraphs into the story before you’ve mentioned any numbers, you’re also “back-ending” it. A research-inspired enterprise story needs the research up high. As I mentioned last month in class, the nut graf is often a good place for statistics.
- Numbers without context: Reporting that there are 27 widget manufacturers in your CD means nothing without context. How many were there five years ago? What is the difference from the average CD? Get it? Some kind of comparison is vital. Chronological or geographical comparisons are two of the most common and accepted.
- Statistical overload: Don’t operate on the “more is better” principle. All you really need is one good statistic to inspire your story. That’s not to say you’re limited to one, but don’t bombard. Cramming too many numbers into a story often clouds the theme or makes the necessary backup reporting too unwieldy.
Helpful hints: Interesting statistics you found while researching your beat memos may make for good story ideas. Many of the sites listed on my handout are treasure troves of statistical information.