Quiz recap
The research quizzes have been reviewed and graded, and I would call the results typical. There was certainly more grade differentiation than for the beat memo.
Tip of the hat to Claudia Bracholdt for the highest score. Among other impressive answers, she was the only person to get full credit on the question about former employees of a business. I knew that would be one of the more time-consuming questions, if not the most difficult. Claudia correctly used the Google strategy to find LinkedIn profiles that I demonstrated during last week’s lesson.
Another question that stumped all but one person was the query about my colleagues at NBC News. That required using the Leadership Library, as demonstrated in my lesson about finding sources.
As for some of the other questions on the quiz, one thing I end up saying every semester is that a lot of you need to bone up on Nexis and Factiva. Most students are too addicted to Google, which isn’t enough to do good research.
And speaking of banging my head against a wall, I can’t believe a couple of repeat offenders misspelled names again, even when they got full credit for the bonus question about spelling names! Talk about irony. One of you pointed out that the Times e-mail I sent out last month is also posted on the web site, so now you can refer to it forevermore. Eat it, drink it, sleep it, memorize it.
Beyond that, most perplexing were several answers to the questions about 40th precinct crime stats and the Bronx Supreme Court civil cases involving someone named David Lewis. The former was perplexing because everyone knew to use CompStat, but a bunch didn’t read the report correctly to get full credit. The latter was similarly perplexing because many of those who knew to use the New York Unified Court System eCourts database didn’t process my requirement for Supreme civil cases, which was emphasized (in bold) in the quiz question the same way it is in this paragraph. WebCrims is not going to find you a civil case. And WebCivil Local is not going to find you a Supreme Court case. You need to use WebCivil Supreme, which seems pretty straightforward to me.
I was also a little surprised that more of you didn’t get the two questions that ReferenceUSA could have answered. Not that they were particularly easy, but I did talk about ReferenceUSA multiple times in class, so I thought it was fairly obvious I’d have related questions on the quiz. I even mentioned last week that the quiz would feature several questions requiring use of the school’s premium subscription databases, which would include ReferenceUSA (along with Nexis, Factiva and Leadership Library).
On the bright side, many of you got credit for the questions on locating a sex offender, getting information on a lawyer, determining the owner of a web domain and tracking down info on the deceased. None of those should have been especially difficult or time consuming, so they were good ones to knock off early.
Anyway, onward and upward. Looking forward to your enterprise final drafts.