Posts Tagged ‘Jack’

Research flashback: seven years ago today

September 11th, 2008 by Jack

As our two presidential candidates visit Ground Zero and everyone else recalls the events of seven years ago, I mark today as the first 9/11 since the WTC attack that NBC’s Information Center (i.e. research department) is back in Manhattan after spending the interim years in Secaucus, New Jersey.

Most of our days pass by without making much of a dent in our memory, but I remember virtually every detail of my work day on September 11th, 2001.  (more…)

I am researcher, hear me roar!

August 28th, 2008 by Jack

My name is Jack Styczynski and I’m what you get when you cross a journalist with a librarian.

After five years as a radio news and sports director, I decided to forgo the glamour of city council and school committee meetings, high school football games and cheese sandwich dinners to become a mild-mannered librarian.

Not mild mannered enough to give up the news business, of course.  I’ll spare you the travelogue here, but if you’re the type who craves the old-fashioned résumé, click away.

And what captures my attention away from the job?

Enough about me.  Feel free to talk about yourself.