Posts Tagged ‘Mathilde Hamel’


July 9th, 2013 by Jack

As of July 2013, I’m an AmeriCorps VISTA at Tulane’s Center for Public Service, working with Youth Rebuilding New Orleans.  Part of my job is volunteer coordination, so if any of y’all ever want to have some fun and help rebuild my most beloved city, be it for a day, a week or a month, just shout and I’ll set you up right!

Thanks to everyone for five great years at the J-school!  This blog should stay up as an archive of all the material I taught over that time.  I hope it remains useful to you.

In case you missed it, I left New York with a bang, writing about my pickup hoops life, “having coffee” with a fellow researcher and celebrating with friends at one heck of a farewell blast. Witness the evidence below!


Farewell, my friends!

May 25th, 2013 by Jack

It was obviously a busy final month of the semester…

On the News Service, Ilie Mitaru, Lisa Rinehart and Anna Teregulova contributed to stories.  Previously, Mathilde Hamel and Angela Johnson reported on the increase in adoptions by same-sex couples, while Sierra Leone Starks reported on the rise in crowdfunding efforts for movie projects

In addition, Sierra Leone’s piece about plans for a design-to-manufacturing fashion house in Industry City landed in Brooklyn Based.

Meanwhile, Mathilde’s talents were on display in both the April and May editions of 219 West TV Magazine, as she co-anchored the first and filed stories for both.  Furthermore, Aine Pennello filed a story in April and Nadja Thomas had one in May.

Happy summer, and much love to you all!

C’est magnifique, Mademoiselle Hamel!

March 19th, 2013 by Jack

You made a research nerd look (sorta) cool!

The Life of Jack Styczynski from Mathilde M. Hamel on Vimeo.

Update, 3/21: Thanks to Jim Coningsby for the kind words after seeing the video!

March Madness bonus: It’s been a busy month doing research for stories about
the (not so) fast and fraudulenta cannibal cop and gun rights vs. protection orders,
not to mention writing on hoops.  (Check out all the comments on the Big East story!)

Bonjour, broadcast crafters

January 27th, 2013 by Jack

Welcome (and for some, welcome back) to “The Craft of Research,” the official research blog for the Spring 2013 Broadcast Craft class of Susan Farkas.  It’s the spot for research lessons, handouts, news, tips and whatever else comes up during the semester, including links to your work.

For example, I know Anna Teregulova, Mathilde Hamel and (especially) Aine Pennello were busy during the break.

My name is Jack Styczynski and I’m completing my fifth year as a research adjunct at the J-school.  My full professional story is here.  Outside of work, I’m obsessed with Superstorm Sandy and Hurricane Katrina (yes, still) relief and recovery.  In fact, I love everything New Orleans and just attended a Big Easy band’s blowout Friday night at Stage 48 here in Manhattan.

Who dat!  (Research it if y’all don’t know.)

With Project Homecoming's Team Chatham last month before a RARE Saints shutout.

With Project Homecoming's Team Chatham last month before a RARE Saints shutout.