Posts Tagged ‘Maya Pope-Chappell’


July 9th, 2013 by Jack

As of July 2013, I’m an AmeriCorps VISTA at Tulane’s Center for Public Service, working with Youth Rebuilding New Orleans.  Part of my job is volunteer coordination, so if any of y’all ever want to have some fun and help rebuild my most beloved city, be it for a day, a week or a month, just shout and I’ll set you up right!

Thanks to everyone for five great years at the J-school!  This blog should stay up as an archive of all the material I taught over that time.  I hope it remains useful to you.

In case you missed it, I left New York with a bang, writing about my pickup hoops life, “having coffee” with a fellow researcher and celebrating with friends at one heck of a farewell blast. Witness the evidence below!


Latest and greatest

March 31st, 2012 by Jack

For those of you who missed Gary Price’s webinar on Tuesday, here’s a link to the tools he reviewed.

I know you remain busy.

Gwen McClure covered a hunger strike in protest of China’s occupation of Tibet.

Tom DiChristopher profiled a Brooklyn skateboarding pioneer, with an accompanying slideshow.

Alexander Tucciarone collaborated on a story and video about families rallying for justice in the Trayvon Martin case.

And Erin Horan wrote about the new Urban Assembly Unison School.

March Madness update: I continued my relentless pursuit of hoop truth here and here.

Last but not least: Congratulations to Class of ’09 graduate Maya Pope-Chappell, who’s soon headed to Hong Kong to be an online news editor for the Wall Street Journal Asia. You can watch Maya’s latest below. One of my best students ever!

Merry Christmas, everyone!

December 21st, 2008 by Jack

All done with the enterprise stories, so this is my last post of the year.  A couple more congratulations are in order…

Maya Pope-Chappell had a News Service package on a Brooklyn youth marching band.  Maya was also a winner in Chuck Schumer’s inauguration ticket lottery.  Say “hi” to Mr. Obama!

Igor Kossov had a story and slideshow on rezoning in Brighton Beach published in City Limits.

Have a good vacation.  See you in the spring!

Election day bylines

November 9th, 2008 by Jack

Great work for the New York City News Service…

Several members of Steve’s class collaborated on Young Voters Speak.

Igor Kossov went solo for A Tale of Two Neighborhoods.

Karina Ioffee had a brief story on a Queens teen.

Plenty of audio dispatches filed too.  Rachel Senatore here and here.  Lindsay Lazarski here and here.  Geneva Sands-Sadowitz here.  Maya Pope-Chappell here, here and here.

Several members of Tim’s class collaborated here, here, here, here and here.

Robert Voris went solo for Backlogs Snag Citizenship Hopefuls.

Lastly, Collin Orcutt’s participation in a couple of the collaborations above didn’t keep him from filing his weekly blog entry at Men’s Fitness.

Keep up the good work!

November 3rd, 2008 by Jack

More bylines for Maya Pope-Chappell at the Amsterdam News and Collin Orcutt at Men’s Fitness.  Also this week, we get entries from Anastasia Economides in the Queens Courier and Lindsay Lazarski in the Huffington Post.  So score two for Team Tim and two for the Strass-class.  Congrats again.

More politics-related items

October 24th, 2008 by Jack

First of all, congratulations to Maya Pope-Chappell of Tim Harper’s class, as she appears to have quickly become the new “go to” person for political stories at the Amsterdam News.  Just this week, she scored bylines on Colin Powell’s endorsement of Barack Obama and the City Council’s vote to extend term limits.  Nothing like getting thrown into the fire on big news right away.  Make sure to complete the FREE AmNews registration so you can read all Maya’s stories as she continues her gig.

Secondly, to follow up on our polling resources discussion from Tuesday, check out this story, which calls into question the reliability of polls.  Thanks to Sandeep Junnarkar for the heads up.