Posts Tagged ‘Brianne Barry’

April’s best

April 23rd, 2013 by Jack

Time for another roundup of your work:

Ilie Mitaru’s exclusive on a lawsuit claiming a transgender patient was left to die by EMS responders made Sheepshead Bites.

For the Mott Haven Herald, Brianne Barry profiled a pastor who’s fought through cancer to serve.

On Voices of NY, Sierra Leone Starks profiled a Scottish illustrator.

Posted this month, the March edition of 219 West TV Magazine was co-anchored by Orie Givens and Nadja Thomas. Lookin’ good!

And I’ve been busy too, contributing research to stories on Internet gun sales and a quirky basketball league, as well as an audio package on the Boston Marathon bombing.

Bonus shot: In Atlanta to collect an award, check me out on the afternoon of the NCAA basketball championship game, hangin’ with Rick Pitino before falling asleep in front of my TV back in New York…

Hat trick Rick: the Hall of Fame, a national championship and me, all in one day.

Hat trick Rick: the Hall of Fame, a national championship and me, all in one day.

Links to your work

March 1st, 2013 by Jack

Presenting the semester’s first roundup of your work:

For the News Service, Danielle Valente and Karen Petree covered Nolcha Fashion Week.

Meanwhile, Brianne Barry and Elena Popina found some apparel controversy away from Fashion Week.

On Voices of NY, Anna Teregulova followed up on a Staten Island couple recovering from Superstorm Sandy, while Sierra Leone Starks reported on free Mandarin classes in Brooklyn.

And on The Local, Aine Pennello detailed Black Artstory month on Myrtle Avenue.

The bonus: I’ve gotten many research credits at the Times, but until this week my work had never been mentioned within a story!

Last word: I would be remiss if I didn’t offer my best wishes to departing Dean Steve Shepard.

Wrapping up the semester

December 22nd, 2012 by Jack

One last batch of bylines to close things out right…

From the Mott Haven Herald, we had Anna Teregulova’s story about a youth soccer league and a police blotter by Irina Ivanova and Shamanth Rao.

Individually, Irina’s story about the vintage book movement made the Brooklyn Daily Eagle and Shamanth’s profile of Lloyd Ultan, the Bronx’s borough historian, was featured on  In addition, Shamanth had a piece in the Herald on a startup offering home nursing.

Not to be outdone, Irina combined with Nicholas Wells on another police blotter for the Herald.  Brianne Barry and Jesse Metzger teamed for one too, and Jessica Glazer compiled one solo.

Brianne also reported on the murder of a hurricane evacuee and Jessica wrote about the danger of future floods in the South Bronx.  Plus, Nathan Place got the scoop on a Mott Havenite serving the community through an open gym.

On the nerd librarian beat, I wrote stories for SLA NY ChapterNews on the group’s annual meeting and NPR researcher Kee Malesky.

Hopefully, many more bylines to come in all our lives!  And I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention 219 Magazine as a potential outlet for some, recently relaunched with my esteemed colleague Steve Strasser at the helm.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

Happy Thanksgiving!

November 21st, 2012 by Jack

More bylines, no turkeys…

Michael Russell contributed to a video report on gourmet food trucks delivering free meals to struggling Red Hook residents.

The latest from the Mott Haven Herald includes Brianne Barry’s piece about a church’s 125th anniversary, Anna Teregulova’s story about a rally to save a school, Nicholas Wells’ article about FreshDirect’s controversial early entry into its proposed new headquarters, and a police blotter by Tanisia Morris and Elena Popina.

Keep up the good work!

Never had a class with so many bylines!

November 10th, 2012 by Jack

So you obviously survived Sandy, let alone the storm this week.

I noticed Brianne Barry, Jesse Metzger, Nathan Place and Shamanth Rao all made contributions to the “Scenes of Sandy” package on the News Service.

On the same theme over at the Herald, Irina Ivanova, Nicholas Wells and Alex Eidman teamed up to report the hurricane went easy on Mott Haven, and Tanisia Morris took the neighborhood business angle on the story.

Moving to the police beat, we’ve had recent contributions from Nathan Place and Sofia Perpetua, Jessica Glazer and Michael Russell and Alex Eidman and Anna Teregulova.

Ms. Glazer also had a piece on a rooftop garden opening atop a charter school.

And last but not least, Ann Marie Awad reported on Puerto Ricans voting for statehood.

Finally see you again Tuesday!  ‘Til then, I’ll keep holding down the fort in our New Orleans bureau (hee hee)…

Yup, that's me this week with the Saints' actual Lombardi trophy from Super Bowl 44.

Yup, that's me this week with the Saints' actual Lombardi trophy from Super Bowl 44.

Talkin’ southern (Bronx)…y’all are on fire!

October 27th, 2012 by Jack

The latest from the Mott Haven Herald:

Ann Marie Awad reported on a city council redistricting plan.   Nicholas Wells wrote about struggling food pantries.  And as a team, the two of them covered the police beat.

Brianne Barry had news on the death of one of New York’s finest.

Alex Eidman wrote about some Bronx comic heroes.

And Anna Teregulova found four Mott Haven schools are threatened with closure.

Speaking of Mott Haven, Shamanth Rao’s story about the neighborhood found a home in The Wall Street Journal India’s travel section.

Keep ’em coming!

September 29th, 2012 by Jack

The bylines continue…

Sofia Perpetua’s piece about parties to mark what would have been Brazilian soul pioneer Tim Maia’s 70th birthday made Voices of NY.

The Mott Haven Herald is bustling: Brianne Barry covered a march by Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. Alex Eidman wrote about a show featuring the work of artist Jose Buscaglia. Tanisia Morris reported on an exhibition of pieces by Latin American artists.

Irina Ivanova’s story about the Rude Mechanical Orchestra found a home in The Indypendent.